the cursor magazine isn’t your typical design newsletter. maybe newsletter isn’t even the right word, since this publication doesn’t focus on the new and shiny in the design world.

what you will find in The Cursor are deep dives into design and career topics. my goal with this is not to add to the noise in your inbox but rather invite for a conversation or leave you with a new insight.

recurring topics in The Cursor

  • Personal reflections on design and career progression

  • Deep dives into design and art topics

  • Thoughts on design and facilitation tools and methodologies

about maureen

i’m a product designer and content creator based in Amsterdam, NL. coming from a non-design background, I experienced first-hand the struggles of switching careers and getting started in a new industry. these struggles are the drive behind this publication.

Subscribe to The Cursor | Design and Career

The Cursor is an online magazine focusing on design and career.


Writer of The Cursor, an online magazine focusing on design, workshops and careergrowth.