Hi Maureen

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Across the design community we don’t have enough people talking about career progression and your experience and advice has been gold!

I got a question about the item five where you say that “investing in getting to know my colleagues and stakeholders better has been detrimental in getting salary raises and promotions” — if possible, could you share why did you find it was detrimental rather than something that helped you?

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Hi Tata, yes for sure - I think about it this way: performance is measured by impact, not always output.

How can you have an impact? You can of course sit behind your computer and try to create the best designs on your own - the problem here is that no one will know. In order to have a big impact, you need to work on tasks that span a bigger scope - and thus involve more people.

The more you invest in getting to know the people you work with, the better your relationship will be. The better the collaboration, the greater the impact.

Therefore, investing in relationships at work is crucial.

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Ah I see what you mean now. So investing time in building relationships contributed to you getting the positive exposure you needed to get salary raises and promotions. I got confused because you said it was detrimental so I understood that it was harmful to your career progression goal.

Thanks for clarifying that! ✨

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Hi Maureen! Thanks for this valuable post. I'm in the beginning of my product design career and I'm really into building trusty stakeholders' relationships. I imagine this is an ongoing process for everyone, but which influences (books, people, etc) help you in becoming better at this skill?

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